Sunday, March 10, 2024

Digital Transformation, Really?

Judging by the solicitations I get from various vendors, "Digital Transformation" seems to be a big buzz word in the business circles.  I find this strange.  When the Internet and Web first took off, 20 to 25 years ago, I could see companies needing a "digital transformation".  But now?  Maybe there's some fringe businesses that still rely on paper, or very large legacy use cases but for any company that is less than 20 years old, what do they mean by trying to sell me digital transformation services? And what larger company has not been working on doing things "digitally" for the last 20+ years? Why is this term still being used? Is it just the consulting industry's ploy to sell us services?

Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Startup Equation

This is what I call the startup equation for staffing.  If time is "T" and work is "W", then:


At no point in time at any of the startups I worked at did we have enough people to do all the work we needed to be doing.  At first I complained, then I understood and now I accept it.  If you are at a startup and feel you need more people, understand that it is no one's fault and there is nothing to be done about it: it is just the way the math works.